Making WHS / OHS compliance easier
WHS Matters offer an initial meeting which is 100% FREE and you are under no obligation to proceed any further unless you choose to do so.
As we have been involved with many businesses, we understand the need for value for money systems, something that is user friendly and is also easy to follow…!!
As your budget and business needs are paramount in what direction you take, we can discuss and agree on a suitable plan to meet your needs.
While setting up a WHS management system may at first seem daunting, it should not be a difficult process and we can assist you, as much or as little as is required so you can concentrate on your core business.
Also, did you know that if you have 30 or more employees you must have a designated, trained Return to Work Coordinator..? We can help there too.!
To find out more about WHS Matters, take a look at this FREE booklet. (Please contact us as special discounts may apply to you re page 10)
Think Systems
Legal compliance is not an option – It’s a requirement…!!!
If you conduct a business, big or small and whatever your specialty, the WHS / OHS laws apply to you.
Prevention is better than cure and in turn by being pro-active not re-active means you can control the situation rather than letting it control you.
Our intention is to make WHS more accessible, user friendly and to assist you in meeting your WHS / OHS legal obligations.
Investing in an effective WHS management system should reduce workplace illness and injury, minimise the costs associated with workplace accidents, and reduce the likelihood of prosecution for breaches of WHS laws.
An effective WHS management system will assist the PCBU (Person Conducting a business or undertaking) to achieve these legislative obligations.
Meeting your WHS / OHS legal obligations
Are you aware of your responsibilities in regard to the Work Health and Safety legislation?
If you are a Person Conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you have certain legal obligations under the WHS Act.
You have a primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers and other persons at work by the work carried out by the business or undertaking.
A PCBU can be an employer, sole trader, contractor, corporation, association to name but a few.
Also, if you are self-employed, you must also ensure your own health and safety while at work.
The importance of work health and safety management systems
Most organisations have systems to manage a range of business issues, such as finance, human resources, and information. While these are important issues for any organisation, so too is the effective management of workplace health and safety.
In order to promote WHS in your organisation, it is essential that you establish a formalised WHS system and, as much as possible, integrate this into your daily business operations.
A WHS management system is that part of the overall management system which includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the WHS policy, and so to managing the WHS risks associated with the business or undertaking of the organisation.
Improving your WHS / OHS Systems
Discover how WHS Matters can improve your WHS / OHS systems and how you can benefit from our consultancy services.

Useful Links
SafeWork SA
WHS Act 2012
WHS Regs 2012